Recording – Orchestral Sessions RTE CO
Did that day really just happen?! Unbelievable.
This day seemed impossible to me for so long. How would I ever create this work and this opportunity to have my music played by this extraordinary gathering of incredibly talented musicians? I have been making music with the RTE Concert Orchestra since it all started in 1996, and I could only have dreamed that one day I could record a complete album with them. Of my music. And yet here we are, and here they are – all so happy in their work! Such positivity and generosity all around from the orchestra personnel to the amazing engineering crew.
And I too was happy in the work. Terrified, yes! But also in control, and feeling joyfully privilege to produce this work with the support of Gavin Murphy & Damian Chennells.
Then it kept getting better – with the one and only John Sheahan popping in to play his solo in the room. There are no words to describe the joy of composing and recording a song with this gentleman and legend. The sweet tapping of music-stands resonated for his soulful melody so beautifully played. then we had the exceptional cellist, Gerald Peregrine for our new deut “Love, Endless”. The cherry on top was that my pal Joe Csibi was at the podium.
It has been such a long road to here, and a longer one to travel even still, but that was a day worth celebrating. It was as exhilarating as it was humbling.